“If your man can’t really see another woman’s beauty, how the hell is he gonna see yours?”
-Jada Pinkett Smith
I love the state of Maryland. It’s harbor. Downtown. Great proximity to Washington, D.C. The people.
I spent the night here and that was it. From reading my other blogs, you could see that I was on a mission to get to my brother’s birthday celebration in Philadelphia before sunset. And that’s what I did.
Trust me, over the years, I’ve had a lot of fun in Maryland. She’s a great place to party, chill and lounge. Next time.
I won’t leave you empty-handed though. I want to share some eye opening moments that I’ve realized on this trip. I hope they can help others to open their eyes as well.

1. America is big as fuck! Huge. Vast. Amazing. Beautiful. Don’t believe what you see on TV. Experience the country for yourself. It’s not as small as you think.
2. Fear is CREATED. By YOU! It’s usually manifested in your mind because you think something is going to happen that will hurt you. Don’t create something that is not there. Let things happen and then deal with those things.
3. Driving in the open road is freeing. It opens your mind. You have a lot of time to think. Freedom is the best gift we have besides life. Make time for an open road drive. Even if it’s for an hour or two. Just do it.
4. Massages should be a natural part of life, like taking out the trash. Once a week. If you leave your trash unattended for too long, there are consequences. The same with your body. It needs to be treated well and on a regular basis. Go release the toxins from your body and totally relax for an hour. You deserve it. Your body deserves it.
5. Southern hospitality is real. People look you in the eyes and say hello to you. They care. It’s a culture. You feel it. It’s great. It’s love. Spread this thing the best way you know how.
6. I’m a recluse. I like being alone. I love people and I hate people all at the same time. Ain’t that a trip?
7. Stay in the moment. With today’s technology, it’s so easy to MISS moments because you want to snap a photo, share a video or upload something for notoriety. The moment is much more important than that. Live it.
8. Treat yourself to a vacation or getaway at least once a year. In corporate america, I always hear of people who have not gone on vacation for years upon years. Either because they are workaholics or don’t want to lose their jobs. Why are you working then? Always reward yourself.
9. Don’t get into a relationship with someone if you don’t want to be in a relationship. Our human instinct is one of the most powerful things we have. Use it. Don’t fall into complacency and accept misery. Life is too short.
10. Eat healthy for a week. You don’t have to be a health nut but one week a year, just eat fruits, veggies and drink water and see how your body reacts to that. One week.